Rick Cooking his Vegan Dinner
These words come straight from Rick himself:
"So i had the oatmeal for breakfast with almond milk, flax seeds and a cut up banana. I also had 2 clementines and an apricot snack bar.
Vegan Oatmeal and Banana for Breakfast
Then for dinner I made pasta with 1 bag of the whole wheat pasta, the jar of mushroom pasta sauce, 2 garlic cloves, 1/4 cup onions, 1 portabello mushroom, some dill, no-salt seasoning, and parsley. And 2 clementines for (Damn these are good).
I'll get the goal up, sorry im procrastinating.
I felt terrible today, bad headache and thought i was gonna throw up. close to a really bad hangover. its probably from the adjustment in food. i usually get the same feeling when i dont have coffee early in the morning and im used to having 4 cups every morning. after i ate the oatmeal though i felt fine (i didnt eat that till about 1 PM)

I have a question though- So i only ate about half of the pasta and sauce and i put the rest away in the fridge. I'm probably gonna eat the rest for lunch tomorrow but how am i supposed to heat it up if i cant use the microwave?
So how can Rick eat his leftover whole wheat pasta and sauce without using a microwave? Please comment and leave your suggestions.
Rick, lose the olive oil. If you want health and weight loss, use a diet like Rip Esselstyn or his father, Caldwell Esselstyn MD, or McDougall or Fuhrman. Get one of their books and do it right! Best of luck! Look at the links at the bottom of http://www.vegsource.com/
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment! Rick is actually on the Engine 2 Diet and following the advice by Rip Esselstyn. Oils will be the last thing we'll take out of Rick's diet this week (week 2).
Tomorrow we'll be taking Rick out for an excellent vegan meal at a local restaurant to celebrate his first week on the diet.