Rick Cooking his Vegan Dinner
These words come straight from Rick himself:
"So i had the oatmeal for breakfast with almond milk, flax seeds and a cut up banana. I also had 2 clementines and an apricot snack bar.
Vegan Oatmeal and Banana for Breakfast
Then for dinner I made pasta with 1 bag of the whole wheat pasta, the jar of mushroom pasta sauce, 2 garlic cloves, 1/4 cup onions, 1 portabello mushroom, some dill, no-salt seasoning, and parsley. And 2 clementines for (Damn these are good).
I'll get the goal up, sorry im procrastinating.
I felt terrible today, bad headache and thought i was gonna throw up. close to a really bad hangover. its probably from the adjustment in food. i usually get the same feeling when i dont have coffee early in the morning and im used to having 4 cups every morning. after i ate the oatmeal though i felt fine (i didnt eat that till about 1 PM)

That pasta was awesome by the way and i think it was the first time i've ever made pasta before so i didnt really know what i was doing.
I have a question though- So i only ate about half of the pasta and sauce and i put the rest away in the fridge. I'm probably gonna eat the rest for lunch tomorrow but how am i supposed to heat it up if i cant use the microwave?
So how can Rick eat his leftover whole wheat pasta and sauce without using a microwave? Please comment and leave your suggestions.